If you would like some more information about what you can make the most of winter in the garden or to get your spring garden plan underway feel free to contact us below.
If you would like some more information about what you can make the most of winter in the garden or to get your spring garden plan underway feel free to contact us below.
Central Geelong is an amazing place waiting to happen. While the economic identity of the city is undergoing a significant upheaval, Geelong’s urban landscape echoes the past and calls out to a new identity for the city.
Blessed with an extensive and diverse network of laneways the inner city is a place that you can find the essence of Geelong as a city. While we all can enjoy the convenience of the large shopping malls dotted throughout greater Geelong region, with crisp white walls and air-conditioning, there is something a bit lifeless and homogenised about a shopping mall. Getting out and walking about the streets and laneways of inner Geelong is a great way to get to know the city in time and place. I took some photos on a recent walk through inner Geelong to record the details of the journey.
I set out to take the scenic route and explore the inner workings of the city, the spaces between the buildings. Throughout this walk I found a highly urban landscape full of rich texture, history, art and space, not usually associated with a city which prides itself on its parks, open space and beaches. These elements all provide a layered experience of the city; signs for businesses long gone, doorways and thresholds worn with a hundred years of footsteps adjoin modern utilitarian components of the city. Complex urban landscapes like inner Geelong lend themselves easily to the telling of stories, real or imagined, about the lives lived amongst these places.
The nice neat façades on the main street frontages give no indication to the eclectic nature of the laneways behind. These are the stripped back spaces left over when buildings are being designed. These spaces are often more intriguing places in a city and have a level of honesty often lacking in the more public veneer of the city. Designers sometimes try too hard to impose new and fresh spaces that can take years to gain a sense of character and place for their inhabitants. By slowing down and having a fresh look at old surroundings we may find the beginnings of captivating spaces just waiting to happen.
If you think you might have an intriguing outdoor space waiting to happen feel free to contact us to find out how we can help you get the most out of your garden.
In April this year I attended the International Federation of Landscape Architects conference in Auckland New Zealand. As part of the conference I took part in a tour of the Gibbs Sculpture Park, an hour north of Auckland. The sculpture park (http://www.gibbsfarm.org.nz/ ) was set up by New Zealand businessman Alan Gibbs over twenty years ago and contains large sculptural works by some of the world’s leading artists, including Richard Serra, Andy Goldsworthy, Anish Kapoor, Sol LeWitt and Maya Lin. The sculpture park is an amazing experience, the scale of the works and how they interact with the landscape is breathtaking. The green rolling hills and beautiful Kaipara Harbour would have been enough to make for a great days walk. However the artworks are the scene stealers. Below are some pictures I took of my favourite sculptures.
Te Tuhirangi Contour – Richard Serra
Untitled (Red Square/Black Square) – Richard Thompson
The greenness of the grass and blue sky were an attraction in themselves.
Red Cloud Confrontation in Landscape – Leon van den Eijkel
Dismemberment, Site 1 – Anish Kapoor
Arches – Andy Goldsworthy
88.5° ARC x 8 – Bernar Venet
Even if you don’t have 1000 acres on the edge of the largest bay in the southern hemisphere art and sculpture can provide inspiration in your garden. For more information about how art can add value and beauty to your garden contact us here.